Different Types of Cups Present In Cafe to Serve Coffee

Coffee lovers are particular about which way they receive their coffee. If you own a coffee shop, then you should take care of this thing; as for them, coffee is not a stimulating drink, but it is an emotion. Serving hot coffee to your customers in custom coffee cups with lids is an excellent way to leave a lasting impression on them. The presentation can make a big difference in how your business is perceived, and using high-quality coffee cups with secure lids is a surefire way to show your customers that you are optimistic about your product and care about their experience.

If you think that choosing a cup is an easy job, then you are wrong. If you want to know the various types of cups available in the market, this article is just for you. We are here discussing the various types of cups for serving coffee to the coffee lovers in your café.

Various Types of Cups to Serve Coffee

Espresso cup 

Most miniature coffee cups are espresso cups, sometimes called a demitasse cup (french for half cup). Despite its diminutive size, the cup usually has a larger rim and a smaller base. The espresso cup must be smooth, as this may lead to the crema spreading out, becoming excessively thin, and fading rapidly.

Classic coffee mug 

Since the classic coffee cup is the most widely used and well-known type, it only requires a little introduction. It's a classic, after all, and you've most likely drank it all. You may even be sipping from one at this very moment. So, if you are serving hot coffee to your customers, then you should also hand them some custom beverage napkins so that they can clean themselves if they spill coffee on their clothes.

Cappuccino cup

Compared to a regular cappuccino coffee cup, an Italian cappuccino cup is more diminutive. Additionally, most cappuccino cups have a larger rim and a thinner base. The cappuccino cup's espresso shot is narrower in base and stays more concentrated for the same reasons as the espresso cup. The ideal foam topping will also fit into this dome-shaped cup. Complementary saucers ought to be used with cappuccino cups. These kinds of mugs are also used for serving Americano coffee drinks.


A bol, or French coffee cup, is a bowl-shaped coffee cup that is often made of porcelain and is used to have café au lait. Bolts usually have no handles, so when sipping café au lait from one, you need to use both hands to hold it like soup.

So, these are different types of cups for serving hot coffee in your café to the coffee lover. Hope this article helps you and provides sufficient knowledge for such a situation.


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